1. Optimistic
Students who excel are self-confident in the potential for success in education can book. Confidence this will give injections in the internal spirit of yourself. Say 'I CAN'
2. Do not be pessimistic
Outstanding students that are not being pessimistic despair and succumb before the fighting began. Do not lemahkan your own spirit. Do not predict defeat before fighting began. If you do not actually try it for sure defeat in the hands. Have not yet tried out.
3. Awareness bear responsibility
Students who have excellent awareness and readiness to assume responsibility as a student who hopes to be religion, race, nation, family and community in the future. Honor family, community and country in the future depends on the generation of youth. Students who are excellent students who are aware of this fact. Students who realize this fact will definitely try harder to achieve these goals.
4. Focus wholeheartedly
Students describe an excellent education to focus full time following the teaching of teachers in the classroom. Attitudes play while learning attitudes of students who are less successful. Students who love to play in class while teacher is teaching students who will be the dipermainkan by the 'educated' at a later time. Even more unfortunate if one day they dipermainkan by those not educated as their own.
5. Start from scratch
Students who excel will make early preparation when facing exams regardless of whether the monthly tests, term examinations or tests that actually. Early preparation will distinguish students who are successful with that failed. Early preparation include having Revision, discuss with friends, seek the advice of teachers, examine the books and so again the model answers. Do not be 'midwife jump' to the examination hall.
6. Always ready
Always an excellent student preparedness to face any test or examination which will be held by the school (monthly tests, term examinations) or by the ministry (the actual exam). Students who are successful students who are willing and able to sit at any time. Bersediakah you suppose that the examination tomorrow? Outstanding students will say 'Yes' If your fans 'The Rock' you'll say 'Just bring it on ..'
7. Complete equipment
Students provide an excellent learning needs adequate equipment such as reference books, exercise books, stationery, short notes, etc.. Spirit is not enough to achieve success. Equipment that is not enough to trouble learning and may warm your heart or spirit to continue to weaken learning. Just imagine, you want to wash your hands after eating, but no water. Did you feel 'wide-open'?
8. Fulfilled the study period
Students who excel timely study that has been set by schools like coming to school within a set and returned only after permitted. This will train students to become disciplined. When the attitude of discipline in life has tersemai students, then mudahlah for students to discipline themselves in learning.
9. Get help teachers
Students who excel get help teachers or friends when another classmate who failed to attend classes on certain reasons. For example, when a student is sick and unable to attend classes, students must get help friends to get notes lessons, or get information for teachers who have missed the lessons.
10. Respect teachers
Students respect teachers who are excellent whether the teacher is teaching in the classroom or when outside the classroom. Teacher is the source of knowledge. So always respect the teachers who give us knowledge.
11. Discuss with teachers
Students who answer with an excellent cross-teachers to understand the lessons that were taught. In fact, Greece is famous philosopher named Socrates once said, 'seek knowledge by way of cross-answer'.
12. Give opinion building
Students often provide excellent views and opinions in the process of learning. This is because the give way, friends and students and students themselves will increasingly understand the lessons. This practice is also able to train and refining capacity sharpness thinking students.
13. Discuss to a friend
Students who excel often discuss with friends about the lessons learned. This is usually done in discussion classes, additional classes or groups in the study. Discussion will enrich the understanding of a lesson.
14. Prepare assignments given
Students who complete the outstanding tasks given by teachers working either in class or homework, in the period set by the teacher concerned. Students who are successful students often complete tasks assigned by their teachers.
15. Study groups formed
Students who hold an excellent discussion groups (study group) with partners who have the same vision and agenda of success in examinations. But do not set up study groups that eventually became the group chat! Seek partners who ragin and persistent. Leave friends who just love gabby.
16. Often in libraries
Students who make an excellent school libraries and other libraries as building knowledge to visit and get books for loan. Library is building knowledge. Library is also a very suitable place for your mentelaah lessons.
17. Read newspapers
Students who excel read newspapers or magazines to obtain academic knowledge enhancement. In particular this refers to issues of general and scientific articles and not gossip or artist space.
18. Watch rangcangan appropriate
Students who excel watching television to get the appropriate knowledge, such as Plan for Education, News and others. Among others is the story of knowledge (such as 'Discovery') and current news.
19. Do self-examination
Students who hold an excellent self-examination and testing (self) as the test is actually made, to serve as reinforcement learning. Students also need menganggapkan tests and examinations that test is taken and the actual exam. If you fail means fail in the real exam. Perform self-examination is like entering the clinic. You will be told about the 'disease' you (your weaknesses). After that, smooth-looking pandailah cure.
20. Prepare a timetable
Students who excel table provides time to plan student learning outside the school. Ask the advice of teachers or brothers who experienced pattern table for the appropriate and effective. This table must be complied with.
21. Join motivational talks
Students who attend excellent lectures held motivation to produce the spirit and self-confidence.
22. Join the seminar exam
Students who follow the excellent seminars held for examination to understand the techniques to answer exam questions. Sertainya seminars conducted by the experts in their respective fields. Apart from experience, you may also receive some tips and useful tips.
23. Buy reference books
Students who buy the excellent reference books appropriate. This can strengthen student preparation. Request help teachers to get a list of reference books for selection of certain subjects. Remember English proverb, "Do not judge the book by its cover." Books that look beautiful capture not necessarily good. Only teachers who understand the quality of a reference book.
24. Log class tuition
Students who follow the excellent tuition classes to add more experience and skills in education.
25. Visit to the exhibition book
Students who hold an excellent visit to the exhibitions of the book held. Even if you do not buy, at least your life will be almost on the books and knowledge. If you always menziarah source of knowledge, knowledge that you will visit often. If you enter the store perfume, keharumannya also be attached. If you enter the barn stool ...
26. Join co-curricular school
Students who excel in school activities to participate actively in co-curricular. Body will produce a vibrant healthy brain. A healthy brain will produce a smooth thoughts. Brain thinking that rust will produce moist.
27. Willing to challenge
Students who have outstanding willingness to challenge the external often try to interrupt the great concentration of students in the subject or attempt to reduce the interest of students to learn. Among the external challenges that are meant for entertainment, recreational excessive, melepak practices like wasting time and disruption and friends who love to invite students to do things that are less favorable. Appeal beloved hearts or fruit is also sometimes alleged that maha great. Smooth-pandailah to take.
28. Take care of personal safety
Students who maintain an excellent safety with the avoidance of any form of danger that can threaten the physical body of students. For example, do not play with fire, electricity or firecrackers. Just imagine if a student lost his right hand fingers in an accident.
29. Take care of physical health
Students who maintain excellent health the body by avoiding any form of disease. Eat nutritious food. Reduce snacks or 'junk-food'. Avoid eating at the stalls that are dirty or buy kueh-kueh exposed without closed. Do not sit up all night. This can affect health.
30. Balanced food
Students who maintain excellent control and nutrition by eating foods that are balanced. This will ensure good health and brain that can think more smoothly. Select the appropriate type of food for the mind and body health.
31. Shamrock asked astray
Students who excel not hesitate to gain experience from students who have been successful in the examination. Made brothers and sisters who have been successful as models or examples of student excellence. Note the characteristic dedication and discipline in their exams. Their experience is so valuable it has been successful for students who will face the test.
32. Prayer
Students who maintain excellent prayers. For students of Islam, deliver prayers five times as the ruler by religion. For students of other non-Muslims, do practice their religious rituals.
33. Doa
Students who excel always pray and hope for help from God. Spiritual aspect is also as important as physical and mental aspects of students.
34. Resignation
Students who excel surrender to God and not despair if you fail. When facing failure, another effort to make it as instructive example failure and guidelines for more success. Promote all forms of failure as success pengukuh themselves to find a more outstanding.
Characteristics of the Outstanding Students