Features Excellent Teachers

Authors: Hajah Ramlah Idris SMK Pulau Nyior, 06000th Jitra, Kedah


"Excellent teachers are teachers who have the knowledge, skills and expertise particularly high in subjects in the field of teaching and learning. Excellent teachers are always dedicated and motivated in discharging its duties and responsibilities of excellence continuously. "- Book concept of Excellent Teachers

Personal Property

Teachers who have the personality that exemplary, competent, and adhere to the ethics of universities and public service ethics and sensitive to the needs of students who can become role models to educators.

Knowledge and skills

Teachers who master and appreciate the subjects or areas of specialization and expertise, the experts refer to teaching and learning, intelligent manage time, resources, teaching and learning tool, able to identify learning needs and problems of students and provide follow-up programs, knowledgeable and skilled in the fields of information technology and communications.


Teachers are able to improve learning outcomes (learning outcome) and develop the potential of students through various approaches and guide students in and outside of teaching time, and use various methods and techniques of teaching and learning.


Teachers who have high communication skills in 'inter and intra-personal', and able to communicate ideas and messages effectively in various forms kemunikasi.


Teachers who visionary, a pioneer effort, always planning, organizing and implementing education programs, can make analysis and take action against him, always learn to improve their career, always involved and contribute in courses, seminars and workshops, run writing and producing scientific and will contribute energy and expertise to the school capacity.

Contribution to the advancement of education

Excellent teachers are teachers who are able to generate new ideas and share ideas to improve the quality of education and able to provide ideas that can help increase the quality of teaching in educational institutions.